This is a recipe I'm posting in response to a request and one I found in my Betty Crocker cookbook...It really is a comfort food main dish! Thank you,...
Whole chickens are so easy to make and really look impressive on the dinner table. This recipe creates a well-seasoned and juicy chicken with a wonderfully...
Frank Saulle's lemon roasted chicken is a must try! It is easy, delicious, moist and tender! This recipe pairs very well with roasted potatoes for a perfect...
I had this while on vacation in Key Largo, FL and had to have the recipe. It is a moist and flavorful chicken with a fabulous sauce that is good on just...
This is a Foster Farms recipe I got off the back of a package of whole chicken. It is sort of easy and has a great south-of-the-border flavor. My family...
Here's one of our favorite chicken dishes in the crockpot (with optional gravy). The chicken turns out so juicy and tender, not dried out at all. Very...
This is my secret for success with a small roasted chicken. It's skin will be mahogany brown and crackling, while all of it's meat, white and dark alike,...
This is my sister-in-law's recipe for wonderful chicken enchiladas with red sauce. We use Recipe #197786 for the enchilada sauce. I believe the salsa really...
This is a recipe I use when I am in the mood for BBQ Cornish hens (or about a 3 pound chicken)without firing up my grill or smoker. I have one of those...
This may also be made using a larger roasting chicken however the spice mixture should be increased and the cooking time --- use fresh lemon juice only...
This recipe was inspired by a Recipezaar thread where I requested Zaar Southerners to suggest their favorite Southern recipes. Talk about Southern hospitality...
I adapted this from a WW cookbook for my parents who always get chicken with rice soup. It is best when made totally from scratch and the chicken is cooked...
Beautiful and delicious, this incredibly moist roasted Chicken puts Kenny Roger's Roasters, Boston Market, and other rotisserie style chickens to shame!...
This is really flavorful and juicy roast chicken. Even my husband, who is growing tired of chicken, picks the bird clean when I make this one. From Fine...
I heard about this "engagement chicken" on the radio, and searched it out online and read how a few different people did it. Here is my variation on it...
In my photo you will notice a darker portion of the stuffing; this was the bit that was stuffed into the turkey itself and after roasting it has a crispy...
I figured there are enough KFC recipes here that it's time Church's chicken grabbed the spotlight! Haven't made this, but I like the idea of first frying,...
Once you make a whole chicken in the pressure cooker, you'll never want to roast one in the oven again. Pressure cooked whole chickens are hands-off way...
This chicken is my quickly becoming a regular in my DH's and my Sunday dinner rotation. We take turns each week making Roast dinners of some kind, and...
This recipe is an adaptation from a basic soy sauce chicken recipe from the internet and consultation with my grandma. I can eat this everyday! You can...
There are hundreds of ways to roast a chicken. This one gave a nice simple and juicy flavor that my family loved. It was declared a "don't lose this recipe...
Chicken is the favoured meat of choice for most Asian soups & a simple, but rich stock is key to success. This curried soup combines them with coconut...
What a great roast chicken! It also has a dipping sauce with it, delicious alone or with sauce. From Pleasures Of the Vietnamese Table by Mai Pham> time...
Follow this recipe and you will have the best juiciest roasted chicken on the planet, a larger roasting chicken may be used and this also works well with...
I have been playing with this spice combination for a while now and I think I have it as close as I'm going to get it to the famous Canadian ''Swiss Chalet''...
I love the smell of chicken roasting in the oven. It makes me think of holidays and family gatherings! Plus I can put it in the oven and concentrate on...
Oh this is so quick and easy to make. I have also had it with corn tortilias instead of flour (had to cook them a bit longer) Hopefully you enjoy this...
Soooo juicy and tender! The meat always comes out flavorful and the skin is nice and crispy. I make it maybe once a month. It doesn't take that much work...
Chicken Marbella is a classic dish that some say is the finest to ever come out of The Silver Palate Cookbook. To make it a bit easier, I decided to adapt...
This easy and beautiful, glistening brown chicken is great for Sunday's supper or for a really fancy dinner party. Originally on lando' but it...
Herbs de Provence can be hard to find. Try one of the health food stores or gourmet stores that sell bulk spices in little, plastic bags. This seasoning...
This is the juciest, best flavored roasted chicken I have ever made, or ever eaten! I have been experiementing, and It has turned out with the exact same...
This is a Hungarian dish that seems to be loved by almost everyone....the chicken is very tender and very flavorful and the sauce is one that is always...
Simply delicious recipe that I adapted from Susan Herrmann Loomis's "French Farmhouse Cookbook", and a meal on Ed's "please make again" list. I serve this...
This recipe was found in Raley's Extra Magazine, a grocery store chain in Northern California. We usually use a Lemon Rotisserie Chicken, but I've made...
This is a copycat recipe for Pei Wei Asian Diner's Caramel Chicken (Caramel chile sauce, pineapple, ginger, garlic, lemongrass, mint, rice sticks, Asian...